Love and Patience in this our Fall of Discontent

Dear Friends of a world free of the threat of nuclear annihilation, President Biden stated the obvious this past week: “We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis.” Indeed we have not (although we certainly had far too many near misses)! And in yet another speech last week President Putin, in addition to saying he would use “all available means” to defend Russian territory (oh my!!!), reminded the world that the atomic bombs the United States dropped on Japan in 1945 had “created a precedent.” Hmmm… he does have a point there!!! All of this […]

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Today is the International Day of Nonviolence (and YES, it’s pretty ironic, considering the tremendous amount of violence around the world)!!!  The International Day of Nonviolence (initiated by the United Nations) is observed each year on October 2nd, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence, and is an occasion to “disseminate the message of non-violence, including through education and public awareness”. The resolution reaffirms “the universal relevance of the principle of non-violence” and the desire “to secure a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and non-violence”. In a […]

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Former Nuclear Submarine Commander Speaks Out About Nukes!

Text of Tom Rogers address to the September 24th Seattle Rally for Nuclear Abolition  Thank you. It’s an honor to be here. I had a 32 year career in the navy as a submarine officer. When I commanded a nuclear submarine, I was directly responsible for nuclear weapons. I understand that nuclear weapons are an existential threat to humanity. If I fail to oppose a national security strategy based on the threat of nuclear annihilation, then I am complicit. So, I’ve been a member of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action for about 20 years. I’m often surprised that local […]

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13 people cited at Trident nuclear submarine base at Bangor marking the 77th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombings

Editor’s Note: This is the news release sent on August 10, 2022. Approximately 40 people were present on August 8th at a flash mob demonstration against Trident nuclear weapons at the Bangor submarine base. The demonstration was in the roadway, and blocked traffic entering the Main Gate of the Trident nuclear submarine base during rush hour traffic. Thirteen demonstrators were detained and cited by authorities. Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor is homeport to the largest concentration of deployed nuclear warheads in the U.S. The nuclear warheads are deployed on Trident D-5 missiles on SSBN submarines and are stored in an underground nuclear weapons storage […]

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Still Blessing the Bombs: An Unholy Trinity

By Leonard Eiger (on the 77th anniversary of the Trinity Test) Trinity, understood by most of Christianity as the union of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in one God, was co-opted on July 16, 1945 when the United States government exploded the first nuclear weapon over the desert sands of New Mexico in what scientists called the Trinity test. Thus (officially) began the atomic age, and this unholy Trinity was its ungodly offspring. It was 5:29:45 AM at the Alamogordo Test Range, on the Jornada del Muerto (Journey of Death) desert, in the test named Trinity, in which the […]

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