Nine people cited in Mother’s Day demonstration at Trident nuclear submarine base at Bangor, WA

Over 50 people were present on May 7, at the demonstration against Trident nuclear weapons at the Bangor submarine base.  Nine demonstrators blocked the main highway entrance into the base for about 10 minutes and were cited by the Washington State Patrol. At around 2:15 pm on Saturday, the nine demonstrators entered the highway carrying a large banner stating, “THE EARTH IS OUR MOTHER—TREAT HER WITH RESPECT” and blocked all incoming traffic at the Main Gate at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor.  They were removed from the highway by the Washington State Patrol. All nine demonstrators were cited for violating RCW 46.61.250, […]

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Peace & Environmental Activists Protested at major DOD Fuel Depot for Earth Day

On April 23, over 20 peace activists and environmental activists joined for Earth Day at Manchester fuel depot, known formally as the Manchester Fuel Department (MFD), to protest hydrocarbon use by the U.S. Navy and the Department of Defense. Activists with Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, 350 West Sound Climate Action, Earth Care Not Warfare and other peace and environmental groups met at noon at Manchester State Park.  From there, they walked to the Manchester fuel depot, the Department of Defense’s largest single-site fuel terminal in the United States, and demanded that the U.S. military reduce its carbon footprint […]

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Peace activists join with Environmental activists for Earth Day at Pentagon’s largest gas station!

Editor’s Note: This is a news release sent on April 21, 2022 Peace activists join with Environmental activists for Earth Day at Manchester fuel depot, largest Department of Defense fuel depot on the West Coast, near Port Orchard, WA Contact: Kathy Railsback (208) 949-3004 Mary Gleysteen (360) 265-1589 Glen Milner (206) 365-7865 Peace activists and environmental activists will join for Earth Day at Manchester fuel depot, known formally as the Manchester Fuel Department (MFD), to protest hydrocarbon use by the U.S. Navy and the Department of Defense. What:  Peace and environmental activists join for Earth Day.   When:  Saturday, April […]

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Nuclear Weapons and Cranial Winter

By Robert Koehler Originally published at Common Wonders, 13 Apr 2022  Nuclear sanity: ultimate (or, God help us, immediate) disarmament. Nuclear insanity: ongoing development and deployment, endless investment, eventual (either accidental or intentional) use. Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., addressing Congress several weeks ago, made a heartfelt and powerful case for nuclear sanity, for a revamping of the system of mutually assured destruction, which gives certain national leaders “Godlike powers known as sole authority to end life on the planet as we know it . . .” He went on: “We cannot uninvent the atom, its military applications, and technological knowhow. […]

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Peace Dove Lands at Ground Zero

It was a very Good Friday at Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action as people came together to continue our work for a peaceful world free of the threat of nuclear annihilation. Tracy Powell, one of the founders of No More Bombs, installed a Peace Dove sculpture at Ground Zero Center. Tracy hand carved the dove out of Indiana Limestone; it is 15″ x 20″ x 17″, and weighs at least 150 lbs. The Peace Dove is a gift from Tracy to Ground Zero Center and the Pacific Northwest Peace Pagoda. Indiana limestone, like all limestone, is a rock primarily […]

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