Nuclear Weapons Resolution for Democratic Caucus

Editor’s Note: This resolution on nuclear weapons was prepared by Ground Zero Center to present at 2016 Democratic caucuses. Whereas the US Navy wants to spend $100 billion to rebuild its nuclear ballistic missile submarine fleet and, Whereas this same amount of money could allow 9 million people 4 year university enrollments or hire 1.8 million math and science teachers and,Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download Whereas the Pentagon wants to spend $1 trillion over 30 years to modernize nuclear weapons systems and, Whereas the US faces a huge homeless and hungry population, lack of infrastructure repairs, fast trains, and […]

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Message of Solidarity to CND’s Stop Trident Rally

Greetings friends. Ground Zero Center’s Stewardship Council recently sent the following solidarity letter to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in support of its upcoming (February 27th) Stop Trident national demonstration. CND expects thousands of people to come out to say SCRAP TRIDENT. We fully support CND’s wonderful work, and hope to do more to reach our hands across the pond in solidarity in our common work against the scourge called Trident. February 10, 2016 Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action 16159 Clear Creek Road Poulsbo WA 98370 USA To our abolitionist colleagues at CND; Your brothers and sisters in resistance send […]

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[Prefatory Note: What follows below is An Open Letter to the American People: Political Responsibility in the Nuclear Age. It was jointly written by myself [Richard Falk] in collaboration with David Krieger and Robert Laney. The three of us have been long connected with the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. For further information on the work of the foundation see The NAPF focuses its effort on the menace posed by nuclear weaponry and the urgency of seeking nuclear disarmament. The nuclear agreement with Iran and the North Korean nuclear test explosion are reminders of the gravity of the unmet challenge, […]

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Three minutes to midnight no time to rebuild Trident missiles (Op-Ed)

Editor’s Note: Dr. David Hall is a longtime, active member of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action. Dave has been a constant voice for abolishing Trident over the years, and continues to speak out against the government’s plans to build a new generation of ballistic missile submarines to replace the current Trident fleet. This guest commentary appeared in today’s Everett Herald newspaper. ****************** Guest commentary published on Saturday, January 30, 2016 in The Herald of Everett, Washington Three minutes to midnight no time to rebuild Trident missiles By David C. Hall A year ago the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved […]

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No End to the Government’s Quest for Secrecy

Editor’s Note: The United States Government continues to erect huge walls of secrecy (in the name National Security and its endless war on terror), preventing the public from (among other things) exercising our right to know about issues that affect our health and safety. Glen Milner has been a constant advocate for our right to know, and won a significant victory in the US Supreme Court in 2011 – Milner v. Department of the Navy. Milner had requested (through FOIA) explosives data and maps to determine the risk to neighbors of a Navy munitions storage depot in case of an accident involving explosives […]

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