Having Enemies is a Choice

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 23, 2023 https://worldbeyondwar.org/having-enemies-is-a-choice/ What’s something that nobody can give you unless you want it? An enemy. This ought to be obviously true in both the personal sense and the international sense. In your personal life, you acquire enemies by seeking them out and choosing to have them. And if, through no fault of your own, someone is cruel to you, the option remains of not behaving cruelly in return. The option remains of not even thinking anything cruelly in return. That option might be extremely difficult. That option might be one that you […]

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Before the Bombs Drop, the Platitudes Fall

Guest essay by Robert Koehler* Planet Earth is in desperate need of an honest discussion about the elimination of nuclear weapons and, God help us, ultimately transcending war. What is democracy but platitudes and dog whistles? The national direction is quietly predetermined — it’s not up for debate. The president’s role is to sell it to the public; you might say he’s the public-relations director in chief: “. . . my Administration will seize this decisive decade to advance America’s vital interests, position the United States to outmaneuver our geopolitical competitors, tackle shared challenges, and set our world firmly on a path […]

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Horrifying “Small” Talk about Nuclear Weapons

By John LaForge Editor’s Note: Originally published in CounterPunch.org on November 7, 2022. John is co-director of Nukewatch, a peace and environmental justice group in Wisconsin, and is co-editor with Arianne Peterson of “Nuclear Heartland, Revised: A Guide to the 450 Land-Based Missiles of the United States.” Gideon Rachman reported October 31 in a Financial Times column that, “… senior U.S. officials point out that the smallest tactical nuclear weapons might kill hundreds of people, rather than thousands — and devastate and irradiate just a few square miles.” Rachman’s use of the phrases “might kill hundreds” and “just a few square miles” is outrageous […]

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Biden Administration releases aggressive nuclear strategy envisioning “first use” of nuclear weapons in wars like Ukraine

EDITOR’s NOTE: This is a Press Release issued earlier today by Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Working Group Contact: Greg Mello, 505-265-1200 office, 505-577-8563 cell Permalink * Prior press releases Albuquerque, NM — Today the Department of Defense (DoD) released its long-awaited National Defense Strategy (NDS), Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), and Missile Defense Review (MDR). In the interest of time, this press release addresses the NPR only. Detailed comparison with past NPRs will also need to come later, as may be warranted. A classified version of the NPR has long been available to Congress and has helped shape this […]

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Death by Nationalism

By Robert C. Koehler (originally published in Common Wonders on Wednesday, October 12th, 2022) The game may be almost over. Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies put it this way: “The irresolvable dilemma facing Western leaders is that this is a no-win situation. How can they militarily defeat Russia, when it possesses 6,000 nuclear warheads and its military doctrine explicitly states that it will use them before it will accept an existential military defeat?” Neither side is willing to let go of its commitment: to protect, to expand, a piece of the whole planet, no matter what the cost. The […]

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