Justice Not Being Served!

Editor’s Note: The following opinion was written by Larry Kerschner, who is a poet, activist, Vietnam veteran and active member of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action. There have been recent calls to impeach President Trump for obstruction of justice. However, the whole American political and so-called justice system is itself an obstruction of justice. I recently had the pleasure of being a defendant in the federal court system. The current criminal legal system is designed not to produce what is right or just or fair. The current system criminalizes political dissent. Dissent which opposes and tries to change the […]

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Reaching Out in Peace to Russia

The mainstream U.S. media bristles with hostility toward Russia – fueling a New McCarthyism – but the press finds no space for grassroots American gestures of peace, writes former U.S. intelligence analyst and current Ground Zero Center Member in Residence Elizabeth Murray. A central point of this article is the importance of people to people exchanges in building peaceful relations among nations. This article was originally published in Consortiumnews.com on May 2, 2017. By Elizabeth Murray On a sunny afternoon in June 2016, a group of swimsuit-clad men and women raced into the warm waters of the Crimean Black Sea and […]

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Nuclear Weapons Update 2017

David Hall, MD has been a leader in Physicians for Social Responsibility nuclear abolition campaign for over 30 years. Dr. Hall has produced an up-to-date Nuclear weapons self-study video with the intention of not only helping people learn about nuclear weapons, but also inspiring people to join the movement to abolish these horrific devices that threaten humanity with annihilation. We hope hope it deepens your understanding of the subject and motivates you to get involved. And please share it with others; we need a massive citizen-led movement to bring enough pressure to bear on our government to lead the way to […]

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Will Federal Court Protect International Laws?

Editor’s Note: The following Op-Ed was written by Larry Kerschner, and published in The Chronicle, Lewis County, Washington, where Larry resides. Larry, along with Bernie Meyer and Gilberto Perez, collectively known as the “Trident Three”, will stand trial in Federal court on April 12th for their nonviolent direct action at the Bangor nuclear submarine/weapons base in Silverdale, Washington on Mothers Day weekend in 2016. Letter: Will Federal Court Protect International Laws? Apr 6, 2017 Twenty miles west of Seattle is the largest concentration of deployed nuclear weapons in the United States. Most politicians in this country are under the strong […]

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Spiritual Activism: Leadership As Service

We live in desperate times, with humans increasingly in conflict with each other and our planet. From climate change to nuclear weapons, we continue to push ourselves ever closer to the brink. Never has there been a time when activism was more necessary, and yet neither has there been a time that has demanded so much of activists. We face challenges so daunting that it requires more than sheer will to keep on going and avoid burning out. How do we, then, keep our activist fires burning. How do we learn to be in solidarity with each other in our […]

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