Honoring Glen Anderson, bannering for nuclear abolition

On July 5, 2024, Rodney Brunelle and Tom Krebsbach held banners and signs on the N 92nd St. I-5 overpass—facing incoming traffic to Seattle on I-5.  Between 3 pm to 4 pm, their displayed messages were Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Renounce Militarism—Defund the Pentagon, and Defund Militarism. Responses from passing motorists were positive, and two curious Seattle Police officers stopped to hear Rodney Brunelle explain the statement, “Defund Militarism.”

Today, Brunelle and Krebsbach honored our friend and colleague Glen Anderson, a life-long Olympia peace activist, knowing that we honor all our sisters and brothers, every time we hold a banner or a sign, hand out a leaflet, or speak out for peace and justice.

Click here for Glen’s Parrallax Perspectives. His most recent blog post (on April 28th) is What’s Wrong with “Christian Nationalism”

Photos by Glen Milner

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