Open Letter to Presidents Putin and Biden: No First Use!

At their Summit Meeting in Geneva on June 16th, US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin adopted a U.S.-Russia Presidential Joint Statement on Strategic Stability in which they reaffirmed ‘the principle that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought’ and announced that they will embark together on an integrated bilateral Strategic Stability Dialogue in the near future. ‘Through this Dialogue, we seek to lay the groundwork for future arms control and risk reduction measures.’ This agreement advances key points in an Open Letter to Presidents Biden and Putin in Advance of their June 16, […]

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ACTIVISM FOR LIFE: “Wake Up, the World is Dying,” Now Do Something About It

By Leonard Eiger Longtime activist Angie Zelter, in the preface to her newest book, ACTIVISM FOR LIFE, says “It is 50 years since I left university, started my real education and began thinking how I could help create a better world.” That introduction sets the stage for 50 years of activism for the sake of that world she seeks. Lest you think ACTIVISM FOR LIFE might be just another memoir, that would be an injustice. Angie not only reflects on the campaigns around the world in which she has been involved – Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp, SOS Sarawak, Trident […]

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Five people cited in Mother’s Day demonstration at Trident nuclear submarine base at Bangor, WA

30 people were present on May 8th, at the demonstration against Trident nuclear weapons at the Bangor submarine base.  Five demonstrators blocked the main highway entrance into the base for over 20 minutes and were cited by the Washington State Patrol. At around 2 pm on Saturday, the five demonstrators entered the highway carrying two large banners stating, “CONGRESS WANTS $1 TRILLION FOR NUKES–What will be left for our children” and “TRIDENT THREATENS ALL LIFE ON EARTH” and blocked all incoming traffic at the Main Gate at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor.  They were removed from the highway by the Washington State […]

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Kucinich Calls for Freedom from Fear, Nuclear Weapons and War

Here’s a real gem from the Ground Zero archives. Way back on August 7, 2011 Congressman Dennis Kucinich spoke at Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action during our annual gathering to commemorate the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  His speech was timely and powerful, calling on the United States to take concrete steps to work toward a nuclear weapon’s free world.  He also called on the US to forge a new doctrine of Strength through Peace.  Kucinich wrapped up his speech by reminding us that it is up to we the people to “resolve that we shall become as architects of […]

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A Brief Memory of (and Thanks To) Ramsey Clark (December 18, 1927 – April 9, 2021)

Early on the morning of November 16, 2010 in front of the U.S. Federal District Courthouse in Tacoma, Washington, a large throng had gathered to vigil before the motions hearing for five Plowshares activists known as the Disarm Now Plowshares. Up the sidewalk I saw one of the defendants, Sr. Anne Montgomery walking toward us with Former US Attorney General William Ramsey Clark. Clark had come to testify on behalf of the defendants who had been charged with a variety of offenses, while their only intention was to prevent the most ghastly crime possible – a full scale nuclear war. […]

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