Blessed are the humble, for they shall inherit the earth

EDITOR’S NOTE: The author of the following poem, Phil J. Davis, is shown standing in the foreground of the featured photo (above) taken during the recent (May 9, 2020) vigil at the Bangor Trident base Main Gate. Phil was cited by the Washington State Patrol for intentionally blocking traffic entering the nuclear weapons base during a previous vigil. Phil wrote the poem as his mitigation hearing statement, which he read to the Judge on September 26, 2019 in the Kitsap District Court in Port Orchard, Washington. As Phil describes it: For past hearings after an arrest or traffic citation, I have carefully […]

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Beating Swords to Plowshares

*by Kathy Kelly, Voices for Creative Nonviolence Inscribed on a wall across from the United Nations in New York City are ancient words of incalculable yearning: “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” – Isaiah 2:4 I’ve stood with activists in front of that same wall singing Down by the Riverside, a song promising we’ll lay down our swords and shields, -“and study war no more, no more.” In memorably eloquent words spoken after the onset of COVID-19, the […]

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Letters to the Editor – An Important Outreach Tool!

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following letters to the editor (one recently submitted and one published) are from activists dedicated to putting an end to the threat of nuclear war. Letters to the editor are an important tool in not only reaching our fellow citizens and sharing our views, and also reminding our news outlets know that this issue is of extraordinary importance to all of humanity. Please share your letters to the editor; send them to A Tale of Two Nightmares:  Global Pandemic and Nuclear War  By Mona Lee, Seattle  At some level, human civilization has long been aware of […]

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Ground Zero Members Find a Way to COVIDgil at Bangor for Mother’s Day

By GZ Vigileer Mack Johnson (Featured Photo caption: Phil Davis, Sue Ablao, Mack Johnson, Scooby, and Lisa Johnson vigil against nukes at Bangor main gate. In the background is “Mitch’ Mitchell, Bangor security chief, who Ground Zero works closely with before our actions. Photos by Mary Gleysteen) With stay-at-home orders limiting Ground Zero’s typical education and action at the Ground Zero Center on Mother’s Day weekend, some people found a way to get the message out that abolishing nukes needs our attention even during a pandemic.     After the excellent webinar presented by Lily Adams of the Union of […]

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Watch “Nuclear Voices: Centering Justice in the Fight for Nuclear Abolition”

Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action hosted a live, online event for its annual Mothers Day event on Saturday, May 9th. Lilly Adams, a nuclear weapons outreach consultant for the Cambridge, MA-based Union of Concerned Scientists and formerly with Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, delivered the keynote address, and then answered people’s questions. You can watch the webinar at the following link: Lilly, who received a grant from the Ploughshares Fund Women’s Initiative for a project to build connections with nuclear frontline communities and amplify issues of nuclear justice, spoke about building the nuclear weapons movement for the next […]

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