Happy (40th) Anniversary Ground Zero Newsletter!

Forty years ago this month, in February 1979, the people of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action published their first newsletter, Ground Zero, Volume 1, Number 1. The inaugural newsletter represented a much different era (technologically) than the one we know today. And yet the spirit behind, and within, it remains much the same. Ground Zero’s Glen Milner puts it in perspective: “Mimeograph machines were a modern technology in the 1970s. Technologies change but a lot of things haven’t.” Ground Zero co-founder Shelley Douglass remembers that the newsletter was “typed on a stencil if I’m remembering correctly” (and I’m pretty […]

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Trump’s Got His New Nuke: And it’s on Trident!

By Leonard Eiger Theses are dark days for the Republic and for the world, and not just because we have an out of control president who believes he can do whatever he chooses and is accountable to no one, but because that same president has a new nuclear weapon at his disposal, and it is a nuclear weapon that he just might use one day. Here’s the story. In a gift to the Grinch, the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) went from being opposed by every House Republican in July (2019) to being overwhelming approved by both Republicans and […]

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Put civilization at the top of our agenda!

Editor’s Note: This post is a letter to the editor written by Ground Zero’s Mary Gleysteen, It was published in the Kitsap Sun on January 27, 2020. We invite you to write letters to the editor of your local newspapers. Click here to learn more about the Doomsday Clock. Check out our Take Action page to learn more about the new “low-yield” W76-2 Trident warhead. ******** The Sun just ran an article about the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moving the Doomsday Clock to 100 Seconds to Midnight. This represents the closest we have come to destroying civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making since the clock’s […]

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Pacific Northwest Peace Pagoda, a dream revived

Written by Glen Milner In August people traveled from across the U.S. and Japan to Poulsbo, Washington, to celebrate the ground purification ceremony for what will be the first peace pagoda on the West Coast by the Nipponzan Myohoji Order. The 150 attending the ceremony witnessed a living prayer for peace; with a soft breeze moving the many colorful flags, and sunlight illuminating the grass, the trees, and the opened earth for the peace pagoda. The pagoda project is being led by Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist nuns, monks, and their supporters. The ground purification ceremony or Jichin-sai, is a traditional Buddhist […]

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Turning Swords into Plowshares: Resistance and Action in the New Year

Oh, what a year it’s been! As we move into a new year, nearly three-quarters of a century into the Nuclear Age, it is sobering to know that the threat of nuclear war looms as large as ever thanks to the hubris of the nuclear high priests who refuse to recognize the folly of their reliance on nuclear weapons as the ultimate source of power. The United States and Russia are poised to fall into the abyss of a renewed nuclear arms race that raises a new specter of nuclear holocaust. And the other nuclear-armed nations are following their lead […]

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