Ground Zero Center’s Annual Appeal

Dear Friends, This is our annual appeal for funds for Ground Zero.   Thank you for your financial contributions and for keeping us in your thoughts during these challenging times.  We especially appreciate your support at our demonstrations throughout the year.  Please join us when you can.  Ground Zero is funded mostly by small donations, which in many cases represent significant sacrifices by the donor.  We are mindful of our donors and of the many sacrifices that have been made for Ground Zero as we continue our work.  The 2019 Hiroshima/Nagasaki demonstration showed our strong commitment to nonviolent direct action and our willingness to try new […]

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Which Would You Prefer―Nuclear War or Climate Catastrophe?

By Lawrence Wittner [Dr. Lawrence Wittner ( ) is Professor of History Emeritus at SUNY/Albany and the author of Confronting the Bomb (Stanford University Press).] To:      The people of the world From:  The Joint Public Relations Department of the Great Powers The world owes an enormous debt of gratitude to Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Narendra Modi, Boris Johnson, and other heroic rulers of our glorious nations.  Not only are they hard at work making their respective countries great again, but they are providing you, the people of the world, with a choice between two opportunities for […]

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They came to stop a crime

Instead, seven Catholic peacemakers were convicted and now await sentencing By Jack Cohen-Joppa, The Nuclear Resister “…You are the hope you have arrived to find.” So ended a brief message that Fr. Steve Kelly wrote from jail last month to be read to more than 100 friends and supporters. We had travelled from across the United States for a Festival of Hope on the eve of the trial of the Kings Bay Plowshares in coastal Brunswick, Georgia. While many of us hoped for their acquittal, Steve reminded us that hope in the nuclear age comes first from building community, and hope […]

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Another resister convicted in Federal court

Peace activist James Manista appeared on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 in U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington, in Tacoma, Washington. Mr. Manista was charged with crossing the federal blue line onto federal property at the main gate of the Trident nuclear submarine base on May 11, 2019. Mr. Manista was the only demonstrator to enter federal property on May 11. Mr. Manista later stated, “Encouraged by the heroism of protestors and filled with a hope we can respond rationally and creatively to the threatening curse of planetary horror, I carried my banner asserting nuclear weapons are immoral (to produce, stockpile, and use) […]

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11 people cited at Trident nuclear submarine base at Bangor, marking the 74th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombing

60 people were present on August 5th at a flash mob demonstration against Trident nuclear weapons at the Bangor submarine base.  The demonstration was in the roadway at the Main Gate of the Trident nuclear submarine base during rush hour traffic.  To see flash mob performance and related videos, please see At around 6:30 AM on Monday, over thirty flash mob dancers and supporters entered the roadway carrying peace flags and two large banners stating, “We can all live without Trident” and “Abolish Nuclear Weapons.”  While traffic into the base was blocked, dancers performed to a recording of War […]

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