Thirteen nuclear resisters arrested at Bangor Trident base

Photo by Fumi Tosu The Pacific Life Community returned to Washington state for their annual gathering, concluding with a blockade of the main gate into the Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor. The base is the Pacific homeport of the Trident nuclear ballistic missile submarine fleet.Watch movie online The Transporter Refueled (2015) A two-day program at a nearby retreat center built on the legacy of now-retired Raymond Hunthausen. As Archbishop of Seattle in 1984, he declared that “Trident is the Auschwitz of Puget Sound.” Hunthausen’s wages were garnished when he publicly refused to pay the war tax percentage in protest. Snow and rain […]

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Spiritual Activism: Leadership As Service

We live in desperate times, with humans increasingly in conflict with each other and our planet. From climate change to nuclear weapons, we continue to push ourselves ever closer to the brink. Never has there been a time when activism was more necessary, and yet neither has there been a time that has demanded so much of activists. We face challenges so daunting that it requires more than sheer will to keep on going and avoid burning out. How do we, then, keep our activist fires burning. How do we learn to be in solidarity with each other in our […]

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Here’s to Sanity and Abolition Efforts in the New Year

New Year’s Eve Greetings Friends of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, One year is nearly over and another about to begin, and this is NOT a plea for donations. This is a different kind of request. I want you to read on and join us in building the world we know is possible, yet may seem so far off. Yes, it takes money. Yet, it takes so much more than that. As we have learned from the wisdom of Standing Rock, we need to “support, educate, protect, collaborate, unify, occupy and protest” and much more. The horrible seeds of […]

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Time to Abolish Nuclear Weapons!

EDITOR’S NOTE: Check out the leaflet we brought to the showing of Command and Control in Seattle late last month. Click here to download and print some to hand out wherever you have the urge this holiday season.  ********************************* Did you see the Seattle bus ads? They read: “20 miles west of Seattle is the largest concentration of deployed nuclear weapons in the U.S.” In light of recent media attention on who should have their finger on the nuclear button, this statement seems to beg the question: With so many nuclear weapons, what would happen should the president order their […]

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Ground Zero’s Annual Report and Appeal

November 13, 2016 Dear Friends, Nonviolent direct action is the tool that harnesses the light within us.  When ordinary citizens join together, they are capable of changing the world.  Whether in dark times or times of social progress, if we continue to work for social change, we will win.  Please hold your light and stay strong.  Our work is crucial in the years ahead. This is our annual report of activities, and an appeal for funds for Ground Zero. In 2016, Ground Zero chose a new tactic to address the insane costs and inherent risks of nuclear weapons in our […]

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